Hey! I'm Neela!
Welcome to my humble abode...er, I mean, my website! I'm still super new to Neocities, and I'm kind of dogshit at coding but it's already pretty fun!
Now, what is there to say about myself? I'm 20 years old, I'm autistic, I live in Canada, I'm a nonbinary butch lesbian (they/them pronouns only unless we're friends, please and thank you), I recently graduated from community college and I once licked a rock in fourth grade (in my defense, it apparently tasted like salt!).
Some of my favourite things are drawing, listening to music, EarthBound, Revolutionary Girl Utena, analyzing my favourite pieces of media for themes and symbolism and motifs and all that pretentious-sounding stuff, Undertale/Deltarune and Pokémon! I'm a HUGE Pokémon fan, and my favourite regions are Unova, Hoenn and Sinnoh :)
Check out my Tumblr if you wanna see more of my stuff!
Um....I don't really have much else to say. Don't be a bigot or a creep and we'll be fine. Hope you're having a wonderful day! ^_^
This layout was made possible with the help of sadgrl's layout builder! Thanks a bunch :)